Engaging in intercultural dialogue and promoting mutual understanding


The Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) was founded in 2004 by all EU countries and all countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to promote intercultural and civil society dialogue given the growing mistrust and polarisation in the world, including our own region. Each member country encourages the formation and development of a national civil society network as described in this document. No membership fee is applied but members are expected to become active members in the Network. The Network Internal Rules (NIRs) settle the main rules and activities of the Dutch National Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation referred to hereinafter as National Network or the Network.

This document formulates:
  1. The mission and vision of our Dutch Network
  2. Basic principles we adhere to
  3. Regional scope
  4. Activities
  5. The rights and the obligations of its members and the Head of Network
  6. Head of Network
  7. Governing bodies of the ALF Network
  8. The Committee of Senior Advisors and Recommendation
  9. Fundraising
  10. Changing of the Internal Rules
  11. Friends of the Dutch Network

This document is an expansion of the previous document that was adopted on 29 February 2024 and and has been accepted by the Committee of Senior Advisors and Recommendation on November 25, 2024.

Click here for the full document.