We adhere to the core values of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the realization that the EU-MENA region houses very different cultures with norms and values that are regarded as normative to members of a specific (sub) culture but not necessarily so to members of other cultures.We live in a world with much fake news, including using generalizations,
omiting relevant context and more to advance certain (political) objectives that contribute to polemics, division and can be used to justify oppression of minorities. We therefore adhere to certain principles:
a. We believe all humans are equal, regardless of religious and non-religious convictions they hold, and they need to be treated equally according to the standards of international law.
b. Humanity developed diverse cultures resulting in a pluralistic world. We believe we are very much in need of a pluralistic ethic for living together in a diverse society: not just tolerance or relativism, but the real encounter and commitments.
c. We operate on the basis of empirical truth and historical facts but are aware that interpretations of these facts can differ. Claims that are evidently not true are harmful and need to be exposed as fake news. We realize that in conflict situations conflicting narratives exist. The Dutch Network, therefore, believes in the need to develop inclusive narratives.
d. Dialogue encompasses all areas of life, including art, literature, philosophical, religious, and also political questions. Individual members of the civil society network may expose political views, but the Anna Lindh Foundation network will not adopt any other political views than the statements made here.
e. We adhere to good dialogue principles such as not using concepts without explaining what they mean in a given context. Examples are disputed terms such as Islamophobia, Antisemitism, Zionism, fundamentalism, extremism and populism. Terms can only be used if meanings are fully explained.